Search By Tag: Joel C. Rosenberg

Pray with us . . . For the people of Egypt
Please join The Joshua Fund in asking the Lord to bring His true peace to people of Egypt. We pray for God’s protection over the people and His comfort to those who have lost loved ones or have suffered injuries in the terrorist attacks yesterday during Palm Sunday services at two churches.
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, from the wicked who do me violence, my deadly enemies who surround me. Psalm 17:8-9
What Was the Theme of the Earliest Teachings of Jesus That Brought Hope to the Region of Syria?
The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg shares a renewed prayer focus that The Gospel of Jesus Christ would spread within the nation of Syria.
What Hope Does The Gospel Bring During Troublesome Times?
Join The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg as he gives us a glimpse of how the Kingdom of God will look under the reign of Jesus Christ.
Are We Witnessing the Fulfillment of Ezekiel’s Prophecies Today?
Join The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg as he offers some prudent applications in this encouragement from the book of Ezekiel.
What Comes Next for Israel and What Should We Be Doing In Light of Scripture?
The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg gives us some practical ways to serve the Land of Israel and the neighboring nations.
What Does It Mean to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem?
Join The Joshua Fund Founder and Chairman Joel C. Rosenberg as he reveals the importance of praying for the peace of Jerusalem even during such troubling times.